

Sparking Curiosity with Young Learners

Friday, August 30, 2024 | Jacquetta Harvey

Recently, I was in a meeting full of adults, where I found myself daydreaming and zoning out a bit. I quickly caught myself, then scanned the room to see if anyone felt the same. Observing my colleagu ...

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Curator's Corner

An Art History Oops: Bent Pyramid

Monday, August 26, 2024 | Karl Cole

The idea of an “architectural error” doesn’t usually come to mind when studying the art history of ancient Egypt with its magnificent pyramid tomb construction and huge pylon temples ...

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Curator's Corner

Art for National Peach Month 2024

Monday, August 19, 2024 | Karl Cole

August was first declared National Peach Month in the United States in 1982. Since August is the month when peaches are supposed to be at their peak ripeness, let’s look at some works of art tha ...

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Inquiry-Based Self-Portraits

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | Nikki Guerrini

No matter what grade you teach, you get a certain reaction when you tell students, “You are drawing faces today”—and typically, it’s not cheers of joy and excitement. Creating ...

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My Museum

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | Rama Hughes

The first art project of the school year needs to cover a lot of bases. It should (1) demonstrate the norms of the art room; (2) be versatile enough for different skill sets, (3) remind students of wh ...

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Editor’s Letter: Beginnings

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | Frank Juárez

As we approach another school year, shifting our mindset sets the stage for welcoming students with excitement, energy, and teaching what we love—art education. We reconnect with colleagues to r ...

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Painting with Paper

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | Todd Poteet

Many students tend to “draw with paint” rather than process the shapes that will lead to complex forms and color development. How do we teach students to switch their thought process when ...

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Joyful Chaos

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | Claire Winkeler

The “Awooo!” “Grrr!” and “Roar!” you hear as you pass by may not be the sounds you expect to hear from an art classroom. On this day, however, my young artists are ...

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Davis Desk

Celebrating a Legacy

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 | SchoolArts magazine

Nancy Walkup, Editor-in-Chief, 2005–2024 ...

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Curator's Corner

Summer Is Waning: Georges Lepape

Monday, August 12, 2024 | Karl Cole

Once August is here, New Englanders are fond of saying, “well, summer’s almost over.” I prefer to resist that inclination, since summer always seems so short in Massachusetts anyway. ...

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Davis Desk

Why Summer Is the Perfect Time for Art Teacher Professional Development

Monday, August 5, 2024 | Toni Henneman

Summertime: just hearing the word brings a smile to any teacher’s face. For many educators, it’s a time to recharge, reconnect with family, travel, etc. But there’s another activity ...

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Curator's Corner

August is National Dog Month: Maruyama Ōkyo

Monday, August 5, 2024 | Karl Cole

I recently learned that August is celebrated as National Dog Month. I’m all for a month dedicated to those loyal and darling fellow sentients! A well-known doggy treat maker announced the month- ...

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Curator's Corner

Gem of the Month: Pieter Aertsen

Monday, July 29, 2024 | Karl Cole

I have presented quite a few posts about still-life painting over the years because (1) I like doing still life paintings myself and (2) still life is one of the first types of painting lessons many y ...

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Curator's Corner

Summer Weather: Kanō Yôsen'in Korenobu

Monday, July 22, 2024 | Karl Cole

July usually brings some steamy weather days to summer in New England. I’m sure we all know what it’s like when it’s already hot and humid and then it rains, adding a further haze to ...

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Davis Desk

Life on the Road, Art on a Cart

Friday, July 19, 2024 | Bonnie Greene

It’s an all-too-common fact that some art classrooms are mobile. “Art on a Cart” is something we’re all familiar with but, unless you teach from one, maybe you haven’t re ...

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Curator's Corner

Celebrating Rembrandt's Birthday

Monday, July 15, 2024 | Karl Cole

As one of the most remarkable talents of the Dutch Golden Age of painting, Rembrandt had the distinction of becoming a fantastically successful artist. Although his contemporaries raved about him, Rem ...

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