Write for Davis

Davis Publications creates resources and curriculum for art education in the K–12, higher education, early childhood, and after-school markets. Our print and digital products serve as reference, instructional resources, inspiration, and advocacy tools for teachers, students, and anyone active or interested in visual arts and design.

Please be aware that there is an extensive review process as we consider unsolicited manuscripts. Before submitting your idea, look critically at the types of products we publish. If you decide to submit a proposal for review please send a brief letter about your idea. In your letter explain how your work supports or is a complement to Davis’ current offerings. If your work is unrelated to the current published list, please outline reasons this work is essential to the field.

Your letter should include:

  • a short summary of the goals and objectives of the proposed book
  • a statement of the proposed audience for this book
  • a list of any competing titles that already exist in the marketplace, particularly Davis products
  • an explanation of how your proposed book would be different from existing titles and how it would suit the needs of the intended audience
  • an outline of the proposed book, with brief paragraphs describing the content of each section/chapter, including image suggestions

Please submit proposals for review to our editorial team via mail or email.

Mail to: 
Davis Publications
Att. Senior Editor
50 Portland Street
Worcester, MA 01608


We acknowledge all submissions promptly, and if your idea is one that we are interested in exploring, we will respond with detailed instructions for preparing and submitting a manuscript.

Davis also publishes SchoolArts magazine. If you have never written for Davis before, submitting an article to SchoolArts can be an excellent way to start, and may improve your chances of success in publishing a lengthier product. Please visit the Get Published in SchoolArts page of this site to learn more and access writer’s guidelines.

Thank you for your interest in Davis Publications.

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