
contour line

Curator's Corner

August is National Dog Month: Maruyama Ōkyo

Monday, August 5, 2024 | Karl Cole

I recently learned that August is celebrated as National Dog Month. I’m all for a month dedicated to those loyal and darling fellow sentients! A well-known doggy treat maker announced the month- ...

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Curator's Corner

Welcome to May! Charles Burchfield

Monday, May 6, 2024 | Karl Cole

To welcome the wonderful month of May, let’s look at the work of an extremely unique artist who sought not only to capture what he saw in nature, but also what he felt: Charles Burchfield. He is ...

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Curator's Corner

HIV/AIDS Awareness Month: Keith Haring

Monday, December 20, 2021 | Karl Cole

During the 1980s AIDS epidemic, LGBTQ+ subject matter in art became more mainstream. The acceptance of such subject matter faced backlash, but the movement has endured into the 2000s. Indeed ...

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Curator's Corner

American Artist Supports American Art

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 | Karl Cole

I guess it doesn’t need to be said, that, in the history of art, there are many artists who just don’t get massive exposure. Although they might often be lauded in their day, their works d ...

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Curator's Corner

Sous-Verre Painting

Monday, March 10, 2014 | Karl Cole

I once watched an artist in Switzerland do a reverse painting on glass, and the technique amazed me. As an artist, one is thinking in reverse, literally painting details and foreground first, then mid ...

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Curator's Corner

Calligraphy/Typeface as Abstraction

Monday, September 23, 2013 | Karl Cole

Abstraction is defined as the reduction of form to simple (geometric, or organic) or decorative (a word I hate) shapes. I’ve blogged briefly about calligraphy in the past, but I rarely get a cha ...

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Curator's Corner

Pop Art, Again!

Monday, August 19, 2013 | Karl Cole

While American art was “discovering” abstraction in the years immediately following World War II (1939–1945), Britain was exploring new territory. Their experience with abstraction h ...

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Curator's Corner


Monday, April 1, 2013 | Karl Cole

Easter time for Christians just passed and the resurrection of Jesus is the big event of the period. I’d like to explore the term “resurrection” in another context: the “rising ...

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Curator's Corner

National "Something" Month II: Soup

Monday, January 14, 2013 | Karl Cole

I bet you all did not know that January is National Soup Month. Well, instead of showing you a cozy, pre-1900s depiction of a cute rural child eating soup, or one Warhol’s endless depictions of ...

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Curator's Corner


Monday, December 10, 2012 | Karl Cole

I've been at the art historian thing for a looooooonnnnnng time. So, it will be no surprise to you all that I came across a glaring error in our database of digital images. I received this image& ...

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Curator's Corner

More of the Legacy

Monday, December 3, 2012 | Karl Cole

Working with new images is so awesome, because I learn something new every few days. Before I added these images from Godey’s Lady’s Book to our collection from the American Antiquari ...

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Curator's Corner

What is "Contemporary Art"?

Monday, June 18, 2012 | Karl Cole

What comes to mind when you think “contemporary art”?  I find it interesting that Picasso and Abstract Expressionism are still considered, by some, to be “contemporary” in ...

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