Curator's Corner

women artists

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Curator's Corner

Tribute to Elizabeth Catlett

Monday, April 9, 2012 | Karl Cole

I am interrupting my celebration of the art of everyday objects to salute a truly great American artist who died on April 2: Elizabeth Catlett. Catlett was not only a massively important figure in the ...

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Curator's Corner

Women's History Month 2012 IV

Monday, March 26, 2012 | Karl Cole

To wind up Women’s History Month, I’ve brought you a work of art from women who are largely ignored by art history books: weavers. Weaving is an ancient tradition, especially among First N ...

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Curator's Corner

Women's History Month 2012 III

Monday, March 19, 2012 | Karl Cole

One of the most interesting things about Russian modernism is the number of prominent women artists. Art historians still debate why this was so. It may be because women were admitted to the Academy i ...

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Curator's Corner

Women's History Month 2012 II

Monday, March 12, 2012 | Karl Cole

Last week I featured a woman who was a member of the first generation of Japanese women admitted into art schools, the coveted guild of ceramic artists in particular. I featured a Japanese woman artis ...

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Curator's Corner

A Great Tradition Endures

Monday, March 5, 2012 | Karl Cole

As I’ve written before, ceramic arts in Japan are among the oldest on Earth, dating back to the Jomon Culture (dates to ca. 11000 BCE, flourished ca. 3000 – 200 BCE). The reason I bring up ...

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Curator's Corner

African American History Month 2012 I

Friday, February 10, 2012 | Karl Cole

There are many artists whose name is not a household word. That is particularly true for women, and African Americans. Additionally, artists who are self-taught and have a unique vision aside from mai ...

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Curator's Corner

A Forgotten Woman Artist

Monday, January 30, 2012 | Karl Cole

I always like to introduce you to artists who, I think, have been marginalized in “official” art history surveys of western (or non-western for that matter) art. Because Paris was has been ...

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Curator's Corner

Happy Festive Days

Thursday, January 5, 2012 | Karl Cole

In Switzerland, the time between Christmas and New Year is called Feschttage, which I guess could loosely translate to holidays. I prefer to think of it as festive days. In that spirit, ...

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Curator's Corner

Looking at Stained Glass

Monday, December 12, 2011 | Karl Cole

Stained glass is predominantly a Western art form. When we think of stained glass, we think of Gothic cathedrals, right? Stained glass is believed to have originated from Byzantine (ca. 500–1453 ...

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Curator's Corner

Pioneer of American Genre

Monday, November 21, 2011 | Karl Cole

Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving with a bountiful kitchen scene from 1800s America! This really isn’t going to be about a “woman’s domain” or “only women cook”; b ...

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