Curator's Corner

Search results for "furniture"

Curator's Corner

A Visual Tribute to Labor Day Week 2022

Monday, September 5, 2022 | Karl Cole

Aside from the myth of Sunday as a “day of rest” in the West, it’s interesting to me that there is only one day a year that celebrates “labor” in the U.S. The movement to ...

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Curator's Corner

Gem of the Month: Oki Sato

Monday, April 18, 2022 | Karl Cole

It’s always refreshing to learn about a designer who combines an unconventional aesthetic with concern for our climate-changing planet, so Oki Sato’s Cabbage Chair is my Gem of the Month. ...

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Curator's Corner

Gem of the Month: Kim Bong-Ryong

Monday, August 30, 2021 | Karl Cole

I have long held a big “Wow!” for lacquer in East Asian arts. That was especially true when I recently came upon this piece, which is why I'm featuring it as my Gem of the Month. It is suc ...

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Curator's Corner

Gem of the Month: Mary White

Monday, April 12, 2021 | Karl Cole

As long as I’m pining for the greenery of spring to emerge, I’ll indulge in one of the wonderful art works in our collection that brings that pining to mind. As you know, I’m a big f ...

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Curator's Corner

Autumn Color

Monday, October 26, 2020 | Karl Cole

The last few weeks have been wonderful for the array of reds, violets, maroons, yellows, and oranges contrasting with still-green trees in central Massachusetts. And if you think that doesn’t ge ...

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Curator's Corner

Women's (Art) History Month 2020 II

Monday, March 9, 2020 | Karl Cole

Women’s (Art) History Month continues with tributes to three more interesting artists I have encountered in my art historical travels. ...

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Curator's Corner

African American History Month 2020 V

Friday, February 14, 2020 | Karl Cole

Contemporary African American artists use diverse techniques, ideas, and the history of African Americans in works of art that speak in new and exciting ways, including these works from the 1980s and ...

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Curator's Corner

African American History Month 2020 I

Monday, February 3, 2020 | Karl Cole

Every year I like to feature African American artists whose work you may or may not have ever seen for African American History Month (February). I’m starting this year’s survey with artis ...

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Curator's Corner

American Renaissance Entrepreneur

Monday, October 15, 2018 | Karl Cole

I often happen upon an artist’s name and think, “Aha! I’ve never posted about this artist, and his/her work is awesome.” That’s what happened yesterday when I crossed pat ...

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Curator's Corner

Not Just Furniture

Monday, September 17, 2018 | Karl Cole

When we talk about art that reconciles political, spiritual, and social beliefs all in one pertinent statement—and I’m certainly not talking about ancient Assyrian art, Jacques-Louis David ...

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