

Curator's Corner

Women's (Art) History Month 2021 IV

Monday, March 29, 2021 | Karl Cole

I have always been fascinated by how progressive (i.e., abstract) styles have continually found their footing as a counterpoint to the pervasive tradition of realism in American art since the early 19 ...

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Curator's Corner

African American History Month 2020 VI

Monday, February 24, 2020 | Karl Cole

It is certainly true that, in the 21st century, more African American artists than ever before—in a wider range of expression—are participating in the American “art world.” As ...

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Curator's Corner

Late Summer Strolls

Monday, September 10, 2018 | Karl Cole

As autumn is right around the corner, my mind drifts back to one of my favorite pastimes in my hometown, Chicago. I would walk for hours in the various neighborhoods near where I lived looking at the ...

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Curator's Corner

Art Deco Magic

Wednesday, October 12, 2011 | Karl Cole

Being born and raised in Chicago (but living in New England the last 15 years), my mind often wanders back to the many wonderful walks I took while living in the city. As an art historian, I was fasci ...

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Curator's Corner

Pioneer Etcher in Chicago

Monday, August 22, 2011 | Karl Cole

I always delight in sharing with you my many “Aha!” moments. One I had this week came while strolling through my mental art collection, pondering the element of positive and negative space ...

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