Curator's Corner

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Curator's Corner

Gem of the Month: Mary White

Monday, April 12, 2021 | Karl Cole

As long as I’m pining for the greenery of spring to emerge, I’ll indulge in one of the wonderful art works in our collection that brings that pining to mind. As you know, I’m a big f ...

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Curator's Corner

California Bound

Monday, August 12, 2019 | Karl Cole

I’m going to California, namely Los Angeles, on vacation to visit dear friends in a couple of weeks. And what artists come to mind when I say “Los Angeles,” you might ask? Well, ...

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Curator's Corner

Furniture or Sculpture?

Monday, May 14, 2018 | Karl Cole

I took furniture history classes in grad school and even was a TA for the professor, so I learned to absolutely love studying the history of furniture. It seems to me, though, as our digital image col ...

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Curator's Corner

What's New Is Old

Thursday, June 29, 2017 | Karl Cole

I am a really big fan of art made from stainless steel, particularly in the field of the miscellaneous arts. Stainless steel tableware started being made early in the 1900s. At this time, Bauhaus ...

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Curator's Corner

What's in a Snake? part 3

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 | Karl Cole

Today’s post in my Snakes in Art series shifts to modern design. I guess a chair is an example of a good serpent! There’s something both ironic and logical in the combination of a serpent ...

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