
Hispanic art

Curator's Corner

Women's History Month 2017 III

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | Karl Cole

Graciela Iturbide is today’s featured artist for Women’s History Month. The work of Iturbide is a good example of how photography expanded in conception and expression after World War II ( ...

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Curator's Corner

The Artistic Legacy of Conquest, part 2

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 | Karl Cole

This week's look at Spanish Colonial art continues, inspired by the exhibit Highest Heaven, currently on view at the Worcester Art Museum. ...

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Curator's Corner

The Artistic Legacy of Conquest, part 1

Monday, March 13, 2017 | Karl Cole

The Worcester Art Museum is hosting an amazing exhibition called Highest Heaven (March 11–July 9, 2017). It is a traveling exhibit of the fabulous religious art produced in Spanish col ...

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Curator's Corner

Ode to Wood

Monday, May 5, 2014 | Karl Cole

The Davis Art Gallery just opened a show called All About Wood. In that spirit, I’m showing you one of my favorite wood pieces. Several years ago at a Christmas party we played an art histo ...

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Curator's Corner


Monday, October 21, 2013 | Karl Cole

Many years ago I was fortunate enough to go to an exhibit of Kuna Mola textile art in Chicago. It blew my mind, because it is very complex. And yet, it is the common textile art form of the Kuna, ...

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Curator's Corner

Empathetic Photographer

Monday, November 1, 2010 | Karl Cole

The creative impulse is universal; I think we can all pretty much agree on that. I think we can also all agree that photography is fine art. It’s always neat when photographers document other cr ...

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Curator's Corner

Day of the Dead Satire

Monday, March 22, 2010 | Karl Cole

The Davis Art Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition of the work of comic artists. Since the gallery is on the same floor as our offices, I get to see the artists’ works every day. Naturally ...

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Curator's Corner

Mayan Textiles

Monday, December 14, 2009 | Karl Cole

I am always fascinated when I stop to think about indigenous cultures that have flourished culturally for many, many centuries. True, we in the West consider the ancient Greek and Roman cultures as ou ...

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Curator's Corner

Puerto Rican Colonial Art

Monday, September 14, 2009 | Karl Cole

In the US we tend to think of John Singleton Copley, John Smibert, and Charles Willson Peale when the words “colonial art” come up. There is, however, another rich and fascinating world of ...

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Curator's Corner

Incan Painting of the Colonial Period

Monday, July 27, 2009 | Karl Cole

Last Saturday night, I started a new landscape painting by doing a sketch in linseed oil-thinned oil paint. You’ve read about my art historian geekhood on this blog, but now you’ll hear ab ...

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Curator's Corner

Earliest Poet of the Americas

Monday, March 9, 2009 | Karl Cole

When we in the West think of people who take religious orders, we usually think of vows of poverty, self-denial, and a life devoted to prayer and contemplation. We don’t expect the religious lif ...

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Curator's Corner

Spanish Colonial Portraiture

Monday, February 2, 2009 | Karl Cole

When we think of portraiture in the “New World,” we usually tend to think of John Singleton Copley and Charles Willson Peale in the US. However, there was a thriving artistic milieu in the ...

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