Davis Desk


By Julian Wade, posted on Sep 11, 2020

Want to know a secret? My major in college was Geography. It’s not really a secret at all, but you may be wondering how in the world that happened. It’s not as far a stretch as you may think.


Let me explain. Being fifth generation of the Davis family, I was surrounded by Art growing up. My family has been publishing SchoolArts magazine and art education resources for 119 years. My mother is a painter; my father is a woodworker. Art is ingrained in who I am. When I went to college, like most teenagers, I was focused on my own perspective. And, despite how wide that perspective was because of art, like most young adults, I learned I still had a narrow view.

Enter Geography. How people affect and are affected by the Earth fascinated me! I quickly learned there is no clear delineation between humans and their environment—Space and Place affect one another. Humans and environments adapt to one another quickly. Geography illustrated for me just how interlinked we are on this planet. Fast-forward to 2020. What is happening?! There really are no words to describe this moment in time. However, while there may be no way to professionally articulate the seismic shift of moving to virtual classrooms and life during quarantine, there is one word that describes the result—Adaptability. And that brings me back to Art.

Art and Geography compliment one another. Art taught me to appreciate the value of different perspectives. It taught me how to identify a challenge, think through a problem, envision a solution, and create a positive outcome. In other words, Art taught me how to adapt. And Art is teaching our students how to adapt! And by “Art,” I hope you know I mean you.

You prove that success can be created with imagination, critical thinking, and determination. Can’t be in a classroom together? “Let’s use that platform we use for district meetings and create a virtual classroom!” Long story short—you were presented with a challenge, looked at the environment, saw the affect it was having, and found a way to change it. Adaptability—Art and Geography.

During any other year, this is where I’d give you the rundown of the new products we’ve developed. But, we’re in the business of SUPPORTING YOU, so, let me tell you how we’re adapting to help instead:

We are focusing on content so you can focus on teaching—whether that’s from home, from your school, or a combination, we’re here for you!

Welcome to the 2020/21 school year!

Julian Davis Wade, President