Curator's Corner

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Curator's Corner

Spiritual Color

Monday, September 8, 2014 | Karl Cole

The persistence of types of artworks through the centuries always fascinates me. While materials may vary, the artwork still serves the same purpose. Before air conditioning, I’m sure fans were ...

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Curator's Corner

Unsung Heroes

Monday, June 23, 2014 | Karl Cole

There are many ways to be a hero. I by no means denigrate our men and women in the armed services, who have given their all recently in two wars (one of which should never have happened). But, there a ...

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Curator's Corner

Ode to Wood

Monday, May 5, 2014 | Karl Cole

The Davis Art Gallery just opened a show called All About Wood. In that spirit, I’m showing you one of my favorite wood pieces. Several years ago at a Christmas party we played an art histo ...

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Curator's Corner

Wood Engraving Artist

Monday, April 28, 2014 | Karl Cole

There is a high degree of skill in printmaking, particularly—in the case of relief printing—the carving of the vehicle. I, for one, have tried relief printing, both linoleum cuts and woodc ...

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Curator's Corner

Pioneering American Woman Artist

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 | Karl Cole

Considering how hard it was for women to be accepted as artists (in the US) in the 1800s, and considering that it was frowned upon for them to attend art schools, it still amazes me how many women bec ...

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Curator's Corner

Fantasy Christmas Present I

Monday, December 9, 2013 | Karl Cole

Since I am not expecting to see a new car with a red bow on top of it for a Christmas present, I thought I would use the month of December to present gifts that I would absolutely LOVE to get (but nev ...

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Curator's Corner


Monday, July 29, 2013 | Karl Cole

Since vacation is on everyone’s mind now that summer is in full swing, let’s just look at works of art that spout vacation, special day off, or festival. And, yes, this can be an art histo ...

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Curator's Corner

Sculpture as Jewelry

Monday, July 22, 2013 | Karl Cole

As you know, I consider artists in any medium to be ARTISTS, not “artisans” or “craftspeople” or “decorative artists.” When one looks at jewelry, even if it has bee ...

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Curator's Corner


Monday, July 15, 2013 | Karl Cole

I read in the New York Times that up until 1999 “nostalgia” was considered a mental illness. Well, you could have knocked me for a loop with that one. One usually gets warm fuzzies from be ...

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Curator's Corner

A Unique Design

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 | Karl Cole

In the mid-1900s, Scandinavian artists emerged at the forefront of modernism in all facets of design: architecture, furniture, and the art of household objects. Among them were many women who came up ...

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