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Curator's Corner


Thursday, August 4, 2011 | Karl Cole

Yakimono in Japanese refers to a “fired thing.” A reverence for nature has historically been part of Japanese art since ancient times. Interestingly, the evocation of the respect for natur ...

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Curator's Corner

Sōsaku Hanga

Monday, June 14, 2010 | Karl Cole

It never fails to amaze me how certain “facts” in the history of art are true no matter what culture we examine. Fact: up until the early 1900s, certain art forms, subject matter, and styl ...

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Curator's Corner

Japanese Art Nouveau

Monday, May 24, 2010 | Karl Cole

As long as I talked about Japanese art last week, I might as well stay in Japan after coming across this gem in our digital collection. Years ago someone talked about the earth being a global village. ...

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Curator's Corner

Hiroshige Winter Wonderland

Monday, December 28, 2009 | Karl Cole

Since we’re in the midst of “The Holidays,” I thought I would show you all a nice snow scene (as if we haven’t had enough so far this month on the East Coast). Now, I’m t ...

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Curator's Corner

Bamboo Artist

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 | Karl Cole

Okay, so I’m having “holy cow” moments more often these days! I came across this fabulous sculpture while scanning new images from the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, NC. I never ev ...

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Curator's Corner

Poetry as Visual Art

Monday, July 13, 2009 | Karl Cole

I’ve written before in this blog about my fascination with LINE, one of the Elements of Art. I’ve pointed out that when it comes to calligraphy, line is not only defining the shapes of a w ...

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