Curator's Corner

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Curator's Corner

New Year New Art

Friday, January 10, 2014 | Karl Cole

To start off the new year, I present to you two artists who we are now featured at the Davis Art Gallery in a dual exhibition entitled Unearthed: Emily and Robb Sandagata. Watch them talk about their ...

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Curator's Corner

Have We Seen This Before?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 | Karl Cole

I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I’m not a big fan of stylistic labels. However, I do like investigating interesting similarities in artists’ works from different periods. The ...

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Curator's Corner

Epiphany of the Week: Eva Hild

Monday, October 22, 2012 | Karl Cole

Just when I’m in danger of becoming cynical that there is very little in the art world that has not yet been done, I come upon this amazing artist: Eva Hild. This is my epiphany of the week (yes ...

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Curator's Corner

What is "Contemporary Art"?

Monday, June 18, 2012 | Karl Cole

What comes to mind when you think “contemporary art”?  I find it interesting that Picasso and Abstract Expressionism are still considered, by some, to be “contemporary” in ...

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Curator's Corner

What's New Is Old: Op Art

Monday, July 18, 2011 | Karl Cole

I was a child in the 1960s, so I don’t really remember the Op Art phenomenon. However, my last year in high school, our art teacher had us do a drawing in pastels that emulated Op Art. I still h ...

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Curator's Corner

Women's History Month 2011 I

Monday, March 7, 2011 | Karl Cole

Let’s kick off Women’s History Month by celebrating women printmakers. I’m a big fan of contemporary printmaking and how artists push the boundaries of the medium, especially since m ...

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Curator's Corner

Process Versus Creation

Tuesday, February 1, 2011 | Karl Cole

Before we go into African American History Month, I thought I’d throw you all a mind-bender: Are Process and Creation the same thing? Is this a sort of “chicken-and-the-egg” thing? L ...

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Curator's Corner

Glass and Native Americans

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 | Karl Cole

I had another one of my “holy cats!” moments this week when I came across this gorgeous artwork from the Spencer Museum. I’ve mentioned that I have these little epiphanies quite ofte ...

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