

Curator's Corner

Pointillist Henri-Edmond Cross

Monday, May 20, 2024 | Karl Cole

What better way to anticipate summer than to see sun-drenched paintings from the south of France? Whenever the subject of Pointillism comes up in art history books, there are usually only two major ar ...

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Curator's Corner

Saying Goodbye to World Watercolor Month 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023 | Karl Cole

Watercolor can be a very unforgiving medium—boy, don’t I know it! I started out studying for an MFA in painting using gouache and watercolor, but my professors suggested that what I was tr ...

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Curator's Corner

Self-Taught Artists

Monday, April 23, 2018 | Karl Cole

I was recently studying the insanely wonderful art of contemporary artist Carmen Cartiness Johnson, and I noticed that her artist’s statement said right off the bat that she is “self-taugh ...

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Curator's Corner

National Ocean Awareness Week

Monday, April 6, 2015 | Karl Cole

With the arctic ice flows melting and the oceans rising because of climate change, we should call April 4th thorugh 10th Hey, Wake Up and Pay Attention to the Ocean Week. Needless to say, the oceans a ...

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Curator's Corner

Art at the Beach

Monday, August 12, 2013 | Karl Cole

This week I present you with one of the more witty aspects of Pop Art. Pop Art parodied American culture in all of its aspects. Naturally, beach culture and tanning would be one of them. And naturally ...

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Curator's Corner

Thankful for American Impressionism

Monday, November 28, 2011 | Karl Cole

Wrapping up my Thanksgiving period blogs is a big Thank You for the painting movement called American Impressionism. When I think of movements that have influenced my own painting, American Impression ...

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Curator's Corner

The Power of Nature

Monday, April 6, 2009 | Karl Cole

Still yearning for warmer weather, my thoughts in spring always turn to paintings of nature. When asked to think of work by American realist Winslow Homer, of which of his genres do you think? Illustr ...

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