
architecture revival styles

Curator's Corner

Art of Libraries

Monday, April 20, 2020 | Karl Cole

April 20th through 27th is National Library Week. We all like libraries. Like museums, they have such a special ambience. In order to celebrate that in an art historical manner, let’s look at so ...

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Curator's Corner

Late Summer Strolls

Monday, September 10, 2018 | Karl Cole

As autumn is right around the corner, my mind drifts back to one of my favorite pastimes in my hometown, Chicago. I would walk for hours in the various neighborhoods near where I lived looking at the ...

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Curator's Corner

Cure for Modernization Regret

Monday, June 22, 2015 | Karl Cole

I get the sads whenever I walk a certain way to work, because I pass an old, late 1800s house now stuck between a sidewalk and entrance to a parking garage. It is all boarded up and covered over with ...

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Curator's Corner

My Kind of Pope

Monday, March 18, 2013 | Karl Cole

A pope was chosen last week in Rome. I also have a pope of choice, and he isn’t of the Roman Church bent. Since many were oohing and aahing about the new head of the Roman Church, I decided to p ...

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Curator's Corner

National "Something" Month: Bath Safety

Tuesday, January 8, 2013 | Karl Cole

January is National Bath Safety Month. To celebrate that, I’m showing you an image from the Sweeney-Royston House in Galveston, TX. Granted, it is not the epitome of safety, like a walk-in tub, ...

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Curator's Corner

Picturesque Eldercare

Monday, May 10, 2010 | Karl Cole

I present to you yet another example that disproves the conventional wisdom that “one can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” I had another one of my “eureka!” moments this w ...

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Curator's Corner

Revivalist Architecture

Monday, February 1, 2010 | Karl Cole

Have you ever thought about the way “keeping up with the Jones’” applies to art? There’s probably never been a time in the history of art when patrons of art haven’t want ...

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