
Editor's Letter: Collaboration

By Nancy Walkup, posted on Dec 1, 2018

You may be surprised to learn that SchoolArts Magazine is primarily put together by a collaborative of just a handful of people. But our collaboration reaches far beyond our staff. Our articles are written by art educators for art educators and chosen from submitted articles. That is where our strength lies.

An ongoing collaboration. Illustration by Rama Hughes.

The fun for me in collaboration is, one, working with other people just makes you smarter; that’s proven.
—Lin-Manuel Miranda

The illustration on this page was drawn during a SchoolArts/Davis Publications reception in Seattle at the 2018 National Art Education Association Convention. Our staff and many of our authors were in attendance to celebrate our ongoing collaboration. (Recognize anyone?)

Our collaboration this month is enhanced by the contributions of our co-editor for this issue, Craig Roland, professor emeritus at the School of Art and Art History at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Many of the articles in this issue were written by authors new to us at Craig’s invitation.

Our studio lessons this month include a “Collaborative Monster Challenge,” where preservice teachers collaborate with kindergartners; “Inspired by a Living Legend,” where artist Isaiah Zagar inspires student- collaborative mosaic projects; “An Artroom Ink Collaboration,” an appealing group-drawing experience; “Safe Shadows,” where students respond to challenging social issues through art; “Community Transformations,” where an after-school art club participates in service learning projects to benefit the community; and “The Peace of Cake Cupcake Factory,” an engaging installation collaboration that involved an entire high school.

We also offer “The Art All-State Model,” a collaborative two-day art-making experience between teens and professional artists, and “Collaboration Benefits Everyone,” where an artist, students, and the community collaborate to create a mural for an early childhood center.

All of these articles illustrate the enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, and inventiveness of art teachers who help their students work together and develop awareness and understanding of themselves and their communities through art. Where there is collaboration, delightful things can be achieved.

Email Nancy at

View this article in the digital edition.