Episode 166: Fashion Design in the Art Room?
Fashion design is more than clothes; it’s a form of artistic expression, blending creativity, culture, and craftsmanship! In this episode, The Creativity Department is joined by the authors of Fashion Fundamentals. Gretchen Kaine, Marji Wachowiak, and Terese Giobbia have decades of experience designing, teaching, and integrating fashion into their own art classrooms. Hear how fashion design promotes interdisciplinary learning, bridging the gap between art and fields such as technology and engineering. Listen in and learn how embracing fashion in the art room can provide students with a deeper understanding of the creative process as well as prepare them for diverse career paths in the arts.
Explore these resources from the K12ArtChat podcast, Fashion Design in the Art Room?, with authors Gretchen Kaine, Marji Wachowiak, and Terese Giobbia.
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