
Episode 10: C4 - Cultivating Creative & Civic Capacities

By Laura and Matt Grundler, posted on Jan 7, 2021

Empathic curiosity, radical imagination, design thinking…these skills are essential for developing well-rounded students prepared to live in the world. In this episode, The Creativity Department delves into these ideas with Jason Blair as they discuss his C4 research project with Columbus Museum of Art and Harvard’s Project Zero.


Use the following links to access resources shared by Jason Blair (@_jasonblair) during his X chat and podcast discussion. Follow the hashtag #C4PZCMA for an inside look at the C4 (Cultivating Creative & Civic Capacities) research project with Columbus Museum of Art and Harvard’s Project Zero.


Jason Blair Website
Cultivating Creative and Civic Capacities Project

Articles & Recordings

Creativity In Crisis recording with Yong Zhao, Ron Beghetto and Elisabeth McClure
Playful Home Learning
Keys to Cultivating Creative Minds