Episode 67 - Black History: Going Deeper Than the Month of February
Incorporating diversity in curriculum is work that must be done daily to ensure classrooms reflect all cultures and communities of learners. Making the conscious effort of continuing conversations of diversity after an assigned “appreciation month” is important to ensure that students feel honored, reflected, and see themselves in states of power. In this episode, The Creativity Department speaks with Ashley Washington M.ED., an Instructional Coach in Plano, ISD. During the conversation, they delve into the question, “If excellence is only celebrated once every 12 months, how do students know the greatness that lies within them the remainder of the year?” A curriculum filled with diversity is the first key to ensuring the fire within each student ignites.
Enjoy these excellent resources from Ashley Washington’s (@AshleyWashIC) X chat and podcast episode about continuing the celebration of diversity in the classroom after an assigned “appreciation month” to ensure that students feel honored, reflected, and seen. Explore the links below for inspiration and information.
Ashley Washington on X
Ashley Washington’s email
Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain