
Episode 22: Adaptive Art - Deconstructing Disability in the Art Room

By Laura and Matt Grundler, posted on Jun 21, 2021

Reaching students with physical or developmental differences can be challenging, but the art room is a space where they can go to feel valued for who they are and express themselves. How can you work through a student’s ability? By focusing on what they can do instead of what they cannot to ensure success in art making. In this episode, the Creativity Department discusses adaptive art with author and educator Bette Naughton. Learn how to focus on the potential of all your students and think with an adaptive mindset. Discover available resources to create a network in your school or district, and develop strategies to remove roadblocks impeding student learning and creativity.


Enjoy these excellent resources from Bette Naughton’s (@BetteNaughton) X chat and podcast episode about adapting art. Explore the links below for inspiration and information.

Read the X Chat discussion.


Adaptive Art: Deconstructing Disability in the Art Room

Webinars & Videos

Adaptive Art Strategies
Adaptive Art Suggestions for Online Learning
Art Adaptation Demonstration Videos


Adaptation Tip Cards
At Home Adaptive Art Suggestions


Bette Naughton Fine Art