Curator's Corner

Swiss artists

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Curator's Corner

Swiss National Day Bundesfeier: Le Corbusier

Monday, August 1, 2022 | Karl Cole

The first of August (Erschten Ougschte in Bernese) is the Swiss “Independence Day,” celebrating the establishment of the first Swiss Confederation of thirteen cantons (districts) seeking l ...

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Curator's Corner

Something Swiss This Way Comes

Monday, August 3, 2020 | Karl Cole

The first of August, this past Saturday, is Switzerland's "Independence Day," so I’m presenting a Swiss installation artist: Pipilotti Rist. The typical luxuriant colors of her vi ...

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Curator's Corner

Workus Interruptus (Vacation)

Monday, October 2, 2017 | Karl Cole

Even though I’m half Swiss, I’m not really a Swissaholic. I just happen to see a lot of art that happens to be from Switzerland that also happens to be worth sharing. I’m going on va ...

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