
The Open Art Room


Eight Rules for Making Artists

Monday, August 17, 2020 | Melissa Purtee

Art happens in my classroom every day, but it’s not the goal of my time with students. My students are the goal, specifically, their minds. By the time they leave me, they will all think like ar ...

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Classroom Setup to Support Learning

Friday, November 8, 2019

I have a brand-new classroom this school year. This is the fifth time in seven years that I’ve moved rooms, and I’m delighted with my new space because it’s beautiful and it’s ...

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Color Exploration

Tuesday, January 1, 2019 | Melissa Purtee

Color theory is a foundational skill for art students and teaching it is important, but it can also be fun. When painting with acrylics, the key idea for students to learn is that just about any color ...

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Facing the Challenges of Cardboard

Thursday, November 1, 2018 | Melissa Purtee

Art teachers love free materials, and I’m no exception. Cardboard is free and plentiful, which should make it a perfect medium. Unfortunately, cardboard can be difficult to cut and hard to work ...

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