
Joshua Johnson

Curator's Corner

African American History Month 2020 I

Monday, February 3, 2020 | Karl Cole

Every year I like to feature African American artists whose work you may or may not have ever seen for African American History Month (February). I’m starting this year’s survey with artis ...

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Curator's Corner

African American History Month 2017 #6

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 | Karl Cole

Today’s artist from the exhibit Two Centuries of Black Art is Joshua Johnson. You probably get sick of hearing me say “I’m a big fan of…” but I don’t say what I do ...

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Curator's Corner

African American Pioneer Artist

Friday, February 13, 2009 | Karl Cole

I’m going to follow up my rant about American Primitive painting from last week’s blog with a tribute to another such painter. It is also my tribute to African American History month. Who ...

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