
Hispanic Heritage Month 2019

Curator's Corner

Hispanic Heritage Month: Mixtec Culture

Monday, September 30, 2019 | Karl Cole

The final post in my Hispanic Heritage Month series features the Mixtec culture. Throughout Mesoamerica, the great cultures of the Classic period (ca. 250–900 CE), the Mayan, Teotihuacán, ...

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Curator's Corner

Hispanic Heritage Month: Maya Culture

Friday, September 27, 2019 | Karl Cole

For today’s Hispanic Heritage Month post, let’s look at the Maya culture. The early Pre-Classic Mayans occupied Chiapas in Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala until between 400 and 50 BCE, whe ...

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Curator's Corner

Hispanic Heritage Month: Teotihuacán

Wednesday, September 25, 2019 | Karl Cole

My look at ancient Mexico continues for Hispanic Heritage Month. Teotihuacán, 30 miles north of Mexico City, was by far the largest and most sophisticated city in ancient Mesoamerica, with cult ...

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Curator's Corner

Hispanic Heritage Month: Zapotec

Monday, September 23, 2019 | Karl Cole

We’re going to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15th through October 15th) with a blog series featuring art gems from a variety of cultures in Mexico. The cultures of ancient Me ...

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