
Gothic Revival

Curator's Corner

Christmas Came Early

Monday, December 3, 2018 | Karl Cole

Christmas in 2018 came early, namely, this past summer. I always feel as if I’m getting Christmas presents when we receive new images of art from museums, or receive new photography of artwork a ...

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Curator's Corner

Cure for Modernization Regret

Monday, June 22, 2015 | Karl Cole

I get the sads whenever I walk a certain way to work, because I pass an old, late 1800s house now stuck between a sidewalk and entrance to a parking garage. It is all boarded up and covered over with ...

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Curator's Corner

Looking at Stained Glass

Monday, December 12, 2011 | Karl Cole

Stained glass is predominantly a Western art form. When we think of stained glass, we think of Gothic cathedrals, right? Stained glass is believed to have originated from Byzantine (ca. 500–1453 ...

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Curator's Corner

Revivalist Architecture

Monday, February 1, 2010 | Karl Cole

Have you ever thought about the way “keeping up with the Jones’” applies to art? There’s probably never been a time in the history of art when patrons of art haven’t want ...

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