Curator's Corner


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Curator's Corner

Women's History Month 2017 III

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 | Karl Cole

Graciela Iturbide is today’s featured artist for Women’s History Month. The work of Iturbide is a good example of how photography expanded in conception and expression after World War II ( ...

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Curator's Corner

One Day in 1839

Monday, April 18, 2011 | Karl Cole

Always the geek interested in little-discussed aspects of the history of art, I bring you the art of a true pioneer! It took three centuries for some archeologists/art historians to become interested ...

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Curator's Corner

Empathetic Photographer

Monday, November 1, 2010 | Karl Cole

The creative impulse is universal; I think we can all pretty much agree on that. I think we can also all agree that photography is fine art. It’s always neat when photographers document other cr ...

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Curator's Corner

Day of the Dead Satire

Monday, March 22, 2010 | Karl Cole

The Davis Art Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition of the work of comic artists. Since the gallery is on the same floor as our offices, I get to see the artists’ works every day. Naturally ...

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Curator's Corner

Earliest Poet of the Americas

Monday, March 9, 2009 | Karl Cole

When we in the West think of people who take religious orders, we usually think of vows of poverty, self-denial, and a life devoted to prayer and contemplation. We don’t expect the religious lif ...

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