
Zen Buddhism

Curator's Corner

World Landscape Architecture Month: Ginkakuji Temple

Monday, April 3, 2023 | Karl Cole

Landscape architects around the world make works of art out of the natural environment. Every culture has aesthetics that guide this work. In the case of traditional dry gardens in Japan, Zen Buddhist ...

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Curator's Corner

World Landscape Architecture Month: Nanzen-ji

Monday, April 4, 2022 | Karl Cole

The landscaping and gardens at Nanzen-ji certainly could be considered an outdoor sculptural installation. As landscape architecture, the garden of this extraordinarily peaceful place in Kyoto approac ...

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Curator's Corner

Gardens for April

Monday, April 6, 2020 | Karl Cole

I’m pretty sure we all need some artistic diversions right now with the way things are in the world. April is not only National Garden Month, but it is also National Landscape Architecture Month ...

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Curator's Corner

Commemorating Qi Baishi

Monday, September 16, 2013 | Karl Cole

Chinese painting, drawing, and graphic arts of the 20th and 21st centuries is an amazing combination of traditional and bold contemporary statements. Today I honor Qi Baishi, who died on this date in ...

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Curator's Corner


Monday, June 17, 2013 | Karl Cole

The art of lacquer has long fascinated me. When I was in an Asian Art seminar in college (decades ago), I learned that ancient Chinese bodies coated in lacquer still had supple skin. Now that’s ...

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Curator's Corner

National "Something" Month III: Hot Tea

Monday, January 21, 2013 | Karl Cole

I am sure most of you did not know that January is also National Hot Tea Month. Although the tea served in this bowl was most often cold by the time it was consumed, I feel that it is a beautiful trib ...

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Curator's Corner

Thoughts About Abstraction

Monday, July 30, 2012 | Karl Cole

Abstraction is any art that does not represent observed aspects of nature or transforms visible forms into a stylized image. Another definition (which I prefer) is that abstraction is the extreme simp ...

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Curator's Corner

Mask for Theater

Monday, January 23, 2012 | Karl Cole

There are so many aspects of Japanese culture that I find absolutely fascinating; I could keep writing this blog for years! As with many countries around the world and throughout history, art is an in ...

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Curator's Corner

Pioneer Japanese Woman Artist

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 | Karl Cole

Every year when March rolls around, I start to yearn for spring. What better way to celebrate that yearning than by presenting an artwork with spring as the subject matter? ...

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